3rd Party Payments
Most suppliers at one time or another will have accepted payment from one person and supplied a car to another, known as a 3rd Party Payment. This is becoming more of a rarity because, as with most things in life there have been a small minority that have taken advantage of the situation using credit card charge backs.
Basically people were hiring cars with other peoples credit cards and when the car was returned the holder of the card was reporting the transaction to their credit card company as a fraudulent transaction. The hire company has no record of the card holder hiring a car from them and ultimately has no leg to stand on.
We still have a couple of suppliers that will allow this form of payment but there is a particular form that need to be completed before the hire car will be allowed to check out. This is usually called a ‘Credit Card Authorisation Indemnity Form’ or something to that effect.
This form asks for certain information about the card holder and requests a signature that accepts any liability for the charges associated with that particular hire.
If you do not hold a credit card or a debit card, then there is still a way that you can hire a car. This can only be done over the phone by speaking to our reservations team on +44 (0)113 880 0748.